Oswald Gracias is a Blatant Liar
Relax, man. Be happy that, at least after two thousand years of groping in the dark and clutching at childish theories about man and God and the Universe - holding on to these even after their own scientists had called the bluff - they have now begun to realise the truth and discovered them in the ages-old Indian scriptures. Better late than never.
Also do not forget that the Indian Rishis never claimed authorship or originality to anything. Whatever they proclaimed were revelations, heard by them, SRUTIS. The Hindus cannot claim exclusive ownership to these. Remember too, that the Christians of to-day in India were at one time in our faith but were enticed away by those who believe in numbers to hold their faith.
Pray that the whole World should adopt the Vedas, the Gita and other Indian knowledge texts. You can then move towards a Global Religion.
The new Pope Francis has selected Mumbai Archbishop Cardinal Oswald Gracias as one of the eight members of a panel that will help advise him.
Mumbai Archbishop Cardinal Oswald Gracias is a blatant liar. I am surprised how such a great liar is accommodated by the new Pope.I attended the Press Conference, held on 12th June 2009 at 4.00 p.m. at the Shanmukhananda Hall, King Circle, Mumbai, addressed by Kanchi Shankaracharya Swamiji and the Archbishop of Mumbai, Cardinal Oswald Gracias, subsequent to the Inter-Faith Dialogue held at the same venue.
After their Press Briefing, when question time arrived, I put a question to Archbishop Cardinal Oswald Gracias: "In the New Community Bible released by Mumbai Catholic Church, you have included hundreds of verses from Vedas and Upanishads. Does this not amount to steeling the intellectual property of Hindus?".
The answer given by the Cardinal was "I am not aware of this".
In fact, the Mumbai Catholic Church had worked on this project for 18 years. It (The New Community Bible) was released by the Archbishop of Mumbai himself, Cardinal Oswald Gracias in July 2008. The Bible included hundreds of verses from Veds, Upanishads and Bhagwat Gita. The event was widely covered by the press.
After working on the project for 18 long years and having himself released the Book - The New Community Bible - the Cardinal had the audacity to say that he was not aware of it, in the presence of about 30 journalists and photographers and also Kanchi Shankaracharya Swamiji.
We take politicians to task for their lies and misdeeds. If it is Hindu religious heads, the media will pounce on them. But the lies and misdeeds of Christian religious heads just go unnoticed. The media refuses to take note of them. Are these Christian religious heads any better than an ordinary politician?
And such a great liar is appointed by the Pope to advise him. One wonders, is the entire panel consisting of such characters?
P. Deivamuthu
Editor, Hindu Voice
210 Abhinav, 2nd floor
Teen Dongri, Yashwant Nagar
Goregaon West, Mumbai 400062.