On Spirituality
The word „Spirituality“ is understood in different ways.
In my view, it has a more secular than religious content. For sure, it is not going to temples or Churches or following your religious routine, or praying or reading mythology. It is deeper than all these.
To be spiritual is to ask questions of oneself. At every opportunity, as often as one can. Question yourself on your thoughts, words and actions.Question their source or origin, aims or objectives, their means and methods. Very soon, you will have established a bench-mark within, for first-hand appraisal of these thoughts, words, actions. Surprisingly, you will discover a logicalbase for these, a positive direction and a beneficial purpose. You will begin to think, speak or act less and less impulsively and for greater good of humanity. You will eschew from inside of you, much of the wasteful activities going on there, over which you seemed to have no control, whatsoever.
This has been the methodin the Upanishads. The Rishis, their disciples and followers all did this.Thisis what is called „Tapas“ or „Meditation“. Mere closing of the eyes or silence is not „Tapas“. You should add the questioning attitude to this.
At the end of everyday, before going to sleep (or early morning soon after waking) ask yourself questions like these.Was all that I thought or said or did during the day necessary? Did I promote welfare of all around or was I selfish and detrimental? You will be amazed to hear appropriate voice answer from inside of you to all these questions. It is your „Atman“ (self) or „Conscience“ counselling you. After a few days, you will start experiencing external benefits and the internal peace too - yourself. You will start becoming more and more acceptable in society. You will realise the concept of „VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM“ '(The Universe is my family).
This, to my mind, is Spirituality.