Indian concept of Brahman
Brahman - Beyond Time & Space
The Indian concept of Brahman, is the basic fundamentality of the Universe which is endless "ANANTAA VAI LOKAAH" - "THIS IS THE ONLY REALITY", everything else being subject to limitations of time and, space. There is no question of IS, WAS, or WILL BE with regard to it. Everything one perceives, even nothingness is its manifestative derivation. It has no limiting adjuncts, so is beyond words or perception. Like Electricity that you cannot see except when it manifests as a heating, cooling or brightening agent. If you want to experience it, then it can only be through these manifestations, which has limitations, peculiar to each.
Since the Universe has an origin, it also must have an extinction. Indian faith as well as modern science are agreed on this. The difference is only with regard to the manner of its origin. Science believes it needed a Big Bang, the Bible believes the Good Lord created in 7 days, while the Vedas (read the Upanishads) say that it came into existence by mere 'wish' of Braman, the one and only.
It is also to be understood that, while Science and all other faiths consider 'time' as 'linear,' Vedas consider it as 'Cyclical', that is , the 'creation, extinction, creation' cycle is beginning and endless. The same events happen in every cycle. Perhaps, that is why we do not number the years like 2011 A.D etc but only give them names like 'Prabhava', 'Vibhava' etc, which repeat every 60 years.
The basis of Advaita, codified by Sankara is that the Universe is not 'real', but only 'appears to be real'. It is a make-believe, much like thr conjurer's tricks. Sankara says: "Braha Satyam Jagan mithyaa, Iti Vedantha dindhimah" - meaning: "Only Brahman" is Real, the Universe is a Myth". It only appears to be there, but is not. Just like the many scenes that exist in and during the dreaming stage, but which are realised as non-existing on waking-up.
New Kalpathy,