Beyond Einstein & God-Damned Particle
A Letter to Dr. E.C.G.Sudarshan
Dear Dr. Sudarshan,
To-day's Hindu newspaper has news of your being awarded a prize by the Kerala Government. This is only guilding the lily, an honour more to the giver than the recepient. Anyway, congrats on yet another honour.
My friend Justice V.R.Krishna Iyer used to me tell me about you and his meetings and discussions, especially your interest in the Upanishads and Vedanta.
After being a CEO with GEC and later as a lawyer, I am retired now and am deeply into the study of Vedanta and the Upanishads, thanks to the intense study of Sanskrit at school and College level. I am interested to know if you have authored any books co-relating Science and Vedanta. I believe that Western Science is knocking at the doors of Vedanta for the answers beyond what Einstein and other great Scientists have provided. The search for the God-damned particle should end with the identification of the Brahman of Vedanta. In fact, nothing is physical in the Universe. It is only perception conditioned by "Awareness". The Aitareya Upanishad calls this "PRAGJNANA" and the Taittariya says PRAGANAM BRAHMA".
I believe the ancient Indian literature holds all the answers to all the questions that Science has raised. Naturally, the doubt arises, Why are Scientists feeling shy to look at the known answers. They can examine these if only to contradict them or to prove their insufficiency. Why the hesitation? Has this anything to do with religious beliefs and entrenched dogmas?
If you have the time and inclination, kindly reply . Respectful regards.
6. Dezember 2012
Thanks. This was what I was looking for. He says much the same things that I have been saying in my writings on Brahman and the Universe. Our sources of information are the same Upanishad literature. I must say he has understood the subject in depth, has no illusions about his own religion and wants to pursue truth, at any cost. Kudos to him. The Church must, of course, be frowning upon him.