Research Project
Dear Prof. K.N.Panikkar
I would like to discuss with your appropriate Department, the possibility of research into THE MIGRATION OF TAMIL BRAHMINS INTO KERALA DURING THE FIFTEENTH AND SIXTEENTH CENTURIES. This is, admittedly, the largest migration of a Community, anywhere on Earth. It is surprising that no systematic study of this significant event has ever been attempted. The result has been the floating around of fanciful stories by all and sundry on the subject, with no back-up evidence. Although I am now 84 years old, I am very active in mind and can throw light on various aspects of this subject. It is also relevant to state that my family was among the first batch of migrants from the Trichy District of Tamilnadu. We settled along with other two hundred or so families in the twin-Kalpathy Villages, which are now declared to be Heritage Villages by the Kerala Government.
I am a keen student of History since my College days, where I graduated in History &Economics, and later qualified to be a lawyer. I can assist with a lot of evidentiary inputs, in case you decide to proceed to consider this project.
The Palghat Brahmins, a distinct Community spread all over the Globe is to-day among the most flourishing communities. They are well-educated, hold high ranks professionally and in society and are much respected. They still maintain their mother-tongue, intonation, mannerisms, customs and beliefs, rituals and ceremonies, food etc. and are totally Vegetarian. They can adapt to any surroundings and acquire a sense of belonging, wherever they are.
The migration of this group was facilitated by the Kings and Chiefs of Kerala in all ways. They were provided all comforts to live honourably and respected for their wisdom and amiability. This has continued to this day.
A study into this subject would be welcomed by the community, also by the general public around the World. That a great Migrational Movement like this - the greatest for Mankind, as I said -has gone unchronicled is a shame. You can assist to fill the void.
I am ready to discuss this subject further with any of your staff, but only in Palghat. This is because I have travel constraints, resulting from some Cardiac problems.
If this topic interests you, do let me know.
K.V.Narayanmurti, B.A.,B.L., FICA.,
Advocate, Kerala High Court,
New Kalpathy - Palghat. 678003. Phone: 0491 - 2576652