Lennestadt Villa
This is a lovely proposition. Getting a huge mansion on those terms, and in a country like Europe, such large acreage with eye-filling foliage, neatly and intelligently designed rooms and luxurious facilities etc. is luck. When one has strong fourth house in the horoscope, it comes, easily. You find that someone is waiting to request you to occupy it.
Amma and I are very very happy that all our children - and Krishna also - are in excellent houses. Our blessings to you all.
As an up-date, let me tell you that my over-all health is what it was, before June 2011, when I had the heart attack. With the care I am taking, and, of course , the policing at home, I hope to carry on the rest of my allotted time, happily . I am back to the level of reading I had, and am very delighted at this.
Sat, 22 Sep 2012 - 0700am