A Child of Fortune
Keep the value-base of the family flying high
Dear Vasu,
Thanks to the eye-surgery, I am completely immobilised for the week, not even allowed to shave or read the news papers. So, thought of writing to you.
Seeing the hard-copy of the Arangetram invitation (Meera's), I recalled many, many little events in my life, which when added up account for the very very rare gift of a fruitful life, that I have had, these 83 years, which, by the way, is a Josier House record for longivity.
Amma had had her Arangetram in 1953 or 54, when Thatha was a Senior Manager at GM, and the Chief Guest was the legendary Bombay Customs Collector, Mr.A.N.Sattanathan. Visalam also danced with her. I came to know of Amma's dance skills only after the marriage. One day, while I was reading in another room, and wanted to go into the bed-room to take something, she was going through a dance number, all to herself. Caught in the act, she told me all about it, but never ever would let me see her dance! She was a pupil at the famous Raja Rajeshwari Dance School, in Matunga, where even Vyjayantimala was a student. Visalam has made a very successful and prosperous career out of her learning.
We were asked by Natarajan Master, several times, to do the Arangetram for Usha, Amma was also inclined to do it. Somehow, I did not fancy the idea, since I was very keen that all our children should do well at academics, and related areas such as writing and speaking. This could be because I was good in these areas and could not visualise anything better. Whether my instincts were right or wrong, I do not know. All I know for certain is that all the five of you have lived up and beyond our hopes and expectations. I cannot express, in words, the sense of satisfaction I have over the family reputaton that you have all helped to build over the years. I realise that this has called for sacrifices, big and small, from each one of you, and you have all made it ungrudgingly. To-day, I can say with total conviction that I am a very successful man who can leave behind a rich family tradition of values. The sons-in-law and the daughters-in-law have all contributed immeasurably to this achievement. In a way, I have been a 'child of fortune'. I rejoice over this.
Coming to the generation next, once again, We have been very very fortunate to have had ten gems for our grand-children, each one making a mark or in the process of doing it. Krishna has proved it, Arjun is making it, Lakshmy and Radhika will also soon join the league. Vaidhy makes us very very proud, and Indu will achieve unique succes in whatever course she chooses, law or liberal arts. Omkar and Meera have shown academic brilliance of a very high order, They will also go far in life, and show the way to the quiet genius that is Rishy. Saranya's age belies her academic and literary brilliance, it has to be seen to be believed. A lot of scholastic achievements await her. I would suggest that the grand-children inter-act with each other very very closely, this will benefit each one of them and add value in the long run.
Unavoidably, we are missing Meera's Arangetram. But, I shall be there spiritually to bless her and all of you. I offered to let Amma go and attend, but then she feels her first priority is to take care of me. She will also be blessing Meera and all of you. If possible, we will watch the re-play on the Internet. Vasu and Kamala, You have both done extremely well as parents and we are very very enamoured of your success. Keep going. all of you, and keep the value-base of the family flying high.
kv narayanmurti
Montag, 16. Juli 2012
Cc: mohan murti; Usha Venkat; Satish Murti; Savita Sreekanth