Who are the Judiciary accountable to
I am alarmed to read the Chief Justice of India saying that the Judges should not meddle with governance, even where the Executive refused to comply with the Court orders. He went further to say that "we are not accountable to people", forgetting that, mostly, it is the people who invoke the Courts' jurisdiction. This, to my mind, is a preposterous suggestion and a willingness to abdicate the sanctity and the balancing role of the Judiciary, enshrined in the Constitution. Who are the Judiciary accountable to, then? To themselves, or their masters , the Executive, that oversees their selection?
The Bhishma Pitamaha of Mahabharatha followed the same credo and wasted all his wisdom and leadership abilities to nothing!
The eminent Jurists of India, and the World, should debate this and throw some enlightenment on where our harassed prople stand. Also, our new articulate President must wake up and arrange a full-court reference to re-discover the Judiciary's constitutional role in the current day situation.
Clearly, the Country seems to be falling and even the Judiciary, our only hope, is throwing its arms up.