Sugar remedy tested for healing people's wounds
I have seen this …experienced it. When I was bleeding in the gums or tongue as a child, my mother put some sugar into my mouth and, lo! the bleeding stopped. On another occasion, Karuppachami, the Old World Street Surgeon, opened up an ankle wound for my brother, after which he cleaned it with sugar and after some time, applied a plaster which he used to make at home. I have also seen many boys in my school urinating over the wound and it used to heal. The 'Poochikoodu', which one finds on tiled roofs (inside the house) used to be applied over cuts and bleeding wounds, and they needed no more attention. The 'poochikoodu' resembles cotton, but it is a fungus covering an insect in hibernation. Modern Doctors would call these tribal and atrocious, but then they worked!