Broken Records
Dear all,
News of Krishna being recognised for his efforts at Crawfor Bayley is the best news I have recieved in many years. To be made a partner at the young age of 27 is a unique achievement. Equally great are the achievements of all my other grand-children. Arjun is distinguishing himself at Ford, Lakshmi and Radhika are going to be lawyers in Europe, Vaidhy is joining Princeton, Indu is graduating soon , and Meera and Saranya are already displaying talents of a very high order. What more can Amma and me ask for in this life. Personally for me, all my imagined and real ambitions are fructifying through my children and grand-children. I recall my brother Sahasranaman telling me on more than one occasion that, I should send my children to study in England. Somehow that could not be, but I now see myself going these places in the form of my grand-children. Can you visualise my sense of achievement and pride. In the Josier family the upper age limit has been 81 years. I am glad I have broken the record.
If possibe, I would also like to see Saranya and Meera going to the best Universities of the world and realise their potential.